Pursuited and Bingo

UX, UI & Service Design; Building Design Systems


Digital Product Design (UX/UI)


UX Design UI Design Design Systems Service Design


Hello Spruce!

Hello Spruce! Design Agency

I had the opportunity to collaborate with the Hello Spruce design agency on a variety of Digital Product Design (UX/UI) and Web Design projects.

My daily tasks encompassed addressing design challenges from ideation through to information architecture and building high-fidelity prototypes.

This included developing design systems, creating layouts and layout components, and designing user interfaces for both mobile and web applications.

Key Projects:

Pursuited: Job Platform

For Pursuited, a job platform, we focused on creating user interfaces for both the mobile and web versions of the app.

My responsibilities included:

- Design System Development:

- Building a comprehensive design system to ensure consistency across the platform. This system included color palettes, typography, iconography, and standardized UI components.

- Component Creation: Designing all necessary components to enable the scaling of the design. This involved creating all the necessary UI elements that could be reused and adapted as the platform expanded.

- User Experience Design: Ensuring that both the mobile and web interfaces provided a seamless and intuitive user experience. This required thorough user research, wireframing, and iterative prototyping to align the design with user needs and business goals.

Visit Pursuited: Pursuited

Bingo: Recycling and Waste Management

Bingo is one of Australia’s leading recycling and waste management companies, operating across the building & demolition and commercial & industrial sectors.

The project presented unique challenges as it involved redesigning a large internal platform used by Bingo’s employees.

- Gradual Implementation: The transition to the new design needed to be smooth and effective to avoid disrupting the daily operations of the employees. This meant that changes to the interface and features had to be implemented gradually.

- User-Centered Design: Although I wasn't directly conducting user research for this project, I applied user-centered design principles to understand the specific needs and workflows of the employees. This information was crucial in designing an interface that would improve efficiency and user satisfaction.

- Service Design: My role primarily focused on service design, ensuring that the platform supported all the necessary business processes and provided a cohesive experience.

- Iterative Testing and Feedback: Regularly testing the new design components with actual users and incorporating their feedback to refine and improve the platform.

Visit Bingo: Bingo Industries

Working on these, and several more smaller projects allowed me to leverage my skills in user-centric design and strategic thinking, resulting in products that effectively met the needs of both users and businesses.

Visit Hello Spruce!

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