
Unique Art Marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs)


UX/UI/Digital Product Design


UX & UI Brand Strategy




Collaboration with an early funded startup on building the internal and external platform for an art based tool for Galleries to explore and deal with digital art.The product was intended as a unique Digital Marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) where exhibitors could create their own private rooms and exhibit exclusive digital assets.

Mavon was designed as a platform for galleries to innovate the art marketplace. It provides collectors with the option to own NFTs in addition to original art pieces. Furthermore, it enables art collectors who own digital art to showcase it in a private room, viewable only by invitees.

With this unique platform we made it possible for the real exclusive art pieces to be minted as NFTs and showcased on a global level where everyone in the world can shop over an exciting selection of artworks.

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